Under a hazy sliver of moon, after a cold day of rain and wind, Mary and Joseph and the Three Wise Men gathered Saturday on Zinfandel Drive.
Martha Haas, second from left, daughter of pageant founder Alice Haas, plays Mary in this year's Nativity scene with her husband, Steve Kremesec, center, as Joseph and their daughter Isabelle, on the stable roof, as an angel. The Three Wise Men watch.
Alice Haas, left, and Barbara Leard help prepare a meal for the homeless at United Methodist Church in Rancho Cordova. For Haas, the living Nativity scene she started supervising in 1981 is a reminder that the church's work begins at Christmas.
Alice Haas, left, and Florence Harmor prepare a meal for the homeless. Haas has been a driving force behind United Methodist Church's outreach to the needy.